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Calling all Volunteers to join PTO!

Who We Are! 
Grovetown Elementary PTO is a volunteer organization formed to help support our school. The PTO is dependent on our volunteers to help with many beneficial and enjoyable activities for the children. We also hold fundraisers to help raise money for classroom supplies, computer software, playground equipment, fences, field trips and other items not available through the school's budget.

We Need You! 
At GTE, we believe that PTO stands for Pulling Together for Our kids! Please consider volunteering your time and talent to the PTO. Volunteers are needed for several activities this year including Popcorn Fridays, Spirit Nights, Breakfast with Santa, Book Fair and other events here at GTE. Teach your children by example - get involved! We can't do it without you!

Become a Member or make a PTO Purchase HERE on RevTrak.

Grovetown Elementary PTO is a team effort. Together we can make a difference!

Volunteer Opportunities
  • Popcorn Friday
  • Field Trips
  • Class Room
  • Fundraisers
  • Learning Commons
  • Book Fairs
  • Breakfast with Santa